Flat Stomach Exercises

             Women are very conscious about their health especially with the way they look in the outside. In order to maintain women’s fitness and overall wellness, they go on a strict diet, exercise regularly, and provide themselves with enough rest and relaxation. One of the most effective ways on how women can arm themselves against these health threats is to exercise. Regular women’s fitness exercises have many benefits.I have listed some of the exercises..

Flat Stomach Exercises

Love handles, tire, tummy, call them whatever, they are very unsightly and look terrible. Each of one desires to have flat stomach, but many of us are troubled with these love handles. Belly fat is basically formed due to excess fat deposition around the ab muscles. This problem is more prominent in women, as compared to men. Losing love handles is surely a herculean task, because it takes lot of time to burn the fat stored around the tummy. Exercising on a regular basis can help to reduce the love handles and given below are the steps to perform some useful flat stomach exercises for women. Here are 10 really hard core advanced ab exercises.

  • Weighted Incline Sit Ups: Lie on an incline board and hold a weighted plate across your chest while doing sit ups.

  • Weighted Planks: You probably need a partner for this one. Basically, you get in a plank position and then you have a partner place a flat weight on your back. This will really add to the intensity of the plank.

  • Plank Ski Jumps: This is a plyometric and core exercise. Get into the plank position, and while keeping the plank position jump from side to side. Keep your feet together and your elbows on the floor, and just jump side to side 10-20 times.

  • Sit Ups with Medicine Ball Throws: You'll need a partner for this one too. Hold on to a medicine ball and when you do your sit up throw the medicine ball to your partner.  Wait for them to throw it back and then go down after you catch the ball. Repeat.

  • Cable Ball Crunches: Position a stability ball near a cable machine. Grab on to the handles on the cable machine so that it adds some weight to your abs.
  • Hanging Leg Raises: This one looks like a gymnastics move. Start off hanging from a bar and attempt to touch your hands with your feet. This is different from regular hanging leg raises that only bring your legs to parallel to the floor.

  • Bruce Lee Leg Raises: These are really hard to do and only athletes should try them. While holding onto a bench, lift your legs in the air so you're only on your shoulders. Keep your hips off the bench and slowly lower your legs without letting your hips touch the bench. These really burn, but they also stress the lower back, so go slow if you try them.

  • Leg Throws: You need a partner for this ab exercise. You will lie on the floor, and your partner stand behind you. Hold on to your partner's ankles and bring your legs up in the air. Your partner will throw your legs down to the floor and you should resist enough to stop your legs from hitting the ground. You can also throw your legs to the side.

  • Weighted Decline Reverse Crunch and Leg Raises: This is a combo move. Get ankle weights to add some weight to your legs. Then, on a bench do a full reverse crunch. After the reverse crunch lower your legs to the start and then extend your legs out 45 degrees. Then, pull back into the reverse crunch. Even an extra 5 pounds on each leg will make a huge difference.

  • Belly Rubs:This exercise is simply rubbing the belly region with soft hands wiping the surface. Whenever there is rubbing of two layers, some heat will be produced. This heat produced here will penetrate into the skin layer and affect the fat molecules stored under the skin in the abdominal region.

  • Windshield Wipers: This is a crazy ab exercise, and it actually puts a lot of pressure on your back. But if you build up to it you'll have a super strong core. I know a lot of fighters and martial artists who do this one. Hang from a bar, and lift your feet up towards your hands. Stay upside down and lower your legs to one side and then reverse to the other side. Move your legs like windshield wipers. Go for 3-5 on each side, that's all you'll need.

  • Stomach Twisting Exercise:For doing this exercise, one should stand on a flat surface with legs kept closer near to attention position of cops. Hands should be stretched in front where the eyes should see the nails of the hand. This is the position one has to take before starting up the exercise. Now, with eyes still fixed at nails, the hands should be moved towards left side of the body to maximum possible extent. The position of legs should be stern and should not incline in any direction while the upper part of the body reaches maximum angle of twist. After reaching the last point, hold there for about a second and slowly come back to the original position.

Other Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

Step 1: First you're going to start off by doing 15 power cleans using 10-to-20 pound dumbbells - then you take a 90 second rest and...

Step 2: Then you're going to do 15 repetitions of the Squat-to-Push press combination exercise - you take another 90 second rest and...

Step 3: Then you're going to do 15 power cleans & squat-to-push press all in one big exercise - you then take a 2 minute break and... 

Step 4: Then you're going to do 150 Jumping Jacks (or just do Jumping jacks for 1-to-2 minutes without stopping) - then you take a 1 minute rest and...  

Step 5: Then you're going to do 150 Ski Steps (or just do Ski Steps for 1-to-2 minutes without stopping)- then you take a longer 2-to-5 minute break and...  

Step 6: Then you're going to repeat this entire workout (Steps 1-thru-5) 1-to-3 more times and...  

Step 7: After you've gone thru this workout a total of 2-to-4 times... You then do ONLY ONE 10-to-20 minute interval workout to burn even more fat

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